Senin, 07 Desember 2009


Entrepreneur term popularized by an Austrian economist named Joseph Schumpeter (1883 - 1950). According to Schumpeter the overall process of economic perbuahan ultimately depends on the behavior of individual entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs) Kewiraswastawan (entrepreneurship) menyakut first change. The entrepreneur saw the change as a norm and something healthy. Usually they do not create the change themselves, because they themselves are not the inventor. However, it determines entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are always looking for change, respond and use it as an opportunity. Any change ditanggapinya creative and innovative.
Different entrepreneurial management. Entrepreneurship are joining forces to launch a change in management while prosuksi to include incorporation of production. Management therefore refers to the continuous coordination of the production process which can be viewed as a merger without stopping the production process, which can be viewed as an ongoing merger of the factors of production. While entrepreneurship is a phenomenon that is not continuous, which appears to initiate changes in production processes and then lost to come back to start another change. While the information is data that can be used as a basis for a decision. Information is a "heart problem, because opening the door of success" 'said Herb Cohen.

Smart means intelligent or smart or wise. Confucius said "If you're not smart, then you have to be smart." Broader definition of smart people who enrteprenuer is able to create new businesses and the creative and innovative in taking risks and uncertainties to achieve profit and growth by identifying opportunities and to threats and to combine with the resources he had. The essence of smart entrepreneurs use of the right brain and left brain in an optimal or use of intuition and the information intelligently. Intuition is a heart murmur. Intuition is the ability to know something without the conscious mind.

People who include smart entrepreneurs are Bill Gates (Microsoft), Steve Jobs (Apple Macintosh), Walt Disney (Disney), Asa Candler (Coca-Cola), Henry Ford (Ford Motor), Seichiro Honda (Honda), Akio Morita (Sony), Konusuke Matsushita (Matsushita), Anita Roddick (The Body Shop), Sam Walton (Wal-Mart), Jerry Yang (Yahoo), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Piere Omidyar (eBay) and so on. Most of the world's top entrepreneurs as a smart entrepreneur entrepreneur. They combine information and intuition for business success. Bill Gates for example, when he saw an opportunity that Apple and IBM will not license its operating system to computer makers, then this information by Bill Gates was arrested and with his intuition, he decided not to make the operating system and provide licenses to be used by the computer maker. The first operating system created by Bill Gates is Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS) that eventually dominate the market 80% of the entire operating system used at that time. Bill Gates to any suskses continued with the emergence of Windows that is currently so successful and has been the emergence of a new Windows is Windows XP. Steve Jobs has got information that there is a need in the market that used computers personally. Steve Jobs with the intuition to create a personal computer (PC) is easily used by ordinary people. The first product, the Apple Macintosh. Steve Jobs, along with his partner Steve Wozniak first made this machine in a garage.


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