They were then asked "Does the newcomer managed to win the competition with faster action, or can change the rules of the game?" Some 62% of CEOs said that "new entrants change the rules of the game". But the CEO of the old saying "our problem is the execution" or even worse is the "strategy was easy, the difficult impementasinya".
This statement is supported by Bill Gates, that "Microsoft is always two years away from failure". What Bill Gates is said to show that competition at this moment to make a product life cycle shrinking, as well as life cycle is getting shorter strategy. Thus the concept of any business, even outside biasapun which will soon lose economic efficiency. The difference between a leader and imitators in the industry can no longer measured in decades or ten years, but already have in years or months. Currently no longer a strategy for a decade, but the strategy for the years that followed rotation faster competition.
Newcomers who have a new game rules, for example is Hotmail. Hotmail strategies to win millions of cyberspace surfers, with an e-mail free ad-supported website to place it in Hotmail. This is very different from those conducted by American On Line (AOL) at the first time reaching consumers, namely the large-scale through registration to the AOL disks.Greater funding and more capacity is not in AOL's not enough to win the competition with Hotmail. AOL only reached 18 million subscribers. While Hotmail from 0 to 10 million subscribers. In mid-1999, ballooned to 40 million and eventually Hotmail became the primary acquisition targets Microsoft.
Charles Schwab and Fidelity to change new game in the finance and banking sector is to assume that bank customers are not only customers but also investors. So what happened in the last decade, banks have lost almost half the market share of household financial assets seized by new players, such as Charles Schwab and Fidelity.
Said a CEO "Before, I spent most of the time about how-how we do it?How do we operate? How our efficiency?.
Now I spend more time thinking about what-what opportunities can be pursued? What alliances can be formed? What technology can support?What experiments should be started?
The main core is when the company has racked up the last 5% efficiency with how, then others will create what is new or create new game rules.That revolution strategy for victory in the era of competition in the last decade is full of difficulties.
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